Gallbladder Stone Removal Treatment Doctor in South City-2, Gurgram


Gallbladder Stone Removal Treatment in South City-2, Gurgram

Gall Bladder Stone Treatment & Surgery Hospital in Gurgram

Dr. Deepika's Complete Family Clinic is one of the best gall bladder stones surgery/treatment hospital in South City-2, Gurgram, India with world class gall bladder laparoscopic surgery facilities.

The gallbladder is a small sac that holds bile, a digestive juice produced by the liver that is used in the breakdown of dietary fats. The gallbladder extracts water from its store of bile until the liquid becomes highly concentrated. The presence of fatty foods triggers the gallbladder to squeeze its bile concentrate into the small intestine.

Gall bladder Stone (biliary calculi) are small stones made from cholesterol, bile pigment and calcium salts, usually in a mixture that forms in the gallbladder. They are a common disorder of the digestive system, and affect around 15 per cent of people aged 50 years and over.

Some things that may cause Gall bladder Stone to form include the crystallisation of excess cholesterol in bile and the failure of the gallbladder to empty completely.

In most cases, Gallbladder Stone don’t cause any problems. However, you might need prompt treatment if stones block ducts and cause complications such as infections or inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

Surgeons may remove your gallbladder (called a cholecystectomy) if Gall bladder Stone (or other types of gallbladder disease) are causing problems. Techniques include laparoscopic (‘keyhole’) cholecystectomy or open surgery. The gallbladder is not a vital organ, so your body can cope quite well without it.

Symptoms of Gall bladder Stone

In approximately 70 per cent of cases, Gallbladder Stone cause no symptoms. The symptoms of Gall bladder Stone may include:

Types of Gallbladder Stone

There are three main types of Gallbladder Stone being:

Causes and risk factors for Gallbladder Stone

Gallbladder Stone are more common in women than in men. They are also more common in overweight people and people with a family history of Gallbladder Stone.

There is no single cause of Gallbladder Stone. In some people, the liver produces too much cholesterol. This can result in the formation of cholesterol crystals in bile that grow into stones. In other people, Gallbladder Stone form because of changes in other components of bile or because the gallbladder does not empty normally.

Diagnosis of Gallbladder Stone

Doctors diagnose Gallbladder Stone by using a number of tests, including:

Complications of Gallbladder Stone

If Gallbladder Stone cause no symptoms, you rarely need any treatment.

Complications that may require prompt medical treatment include:

Treatment for Gallbladder Stone

Gallbladder Stone that cause no symptoms, generally don’t need any medical treatment. In certain cases (such as abdominal surgery for other conditions), doctors may remove your gallbladder if you are at high risk of complications of Gallbladder Stone.

Treatment depends on the size and location of the Gallbladder Stone, but may include:

Surgical removal of the gallbladder or Gall bladder Stone

Around 80 per cent of people with Gall bladder Stone symptoms will need Gall bladder Stone surgery. Gall bladder Stone Surgeons may remove your entire gallbladder (cholecystectomy), or just the stones from bile ducts.

Techniques to remove the gallbladder include:

Medical factors to consider before cholecystectomy

Before the operation, you need to discuss some things with your Gall bladder Stone doctor or Gall bladder Stone surgeon, including:

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

The general procedure includes:

Open Gallbladder Stone surgery

The general procedure is the same as for Gall bladder Stone laparoscopic surgery, except that the surgeon reaches the gallbladder through a large, single incision in the abdominal wall. Sometimes, an operation that starts out as a laparoscopic cholecystectomy turns into open Gallbladder Stone surgery if the surgeon encounters unexpected difficulties, such as not being able to see the gall bladder properly.

Immediately after Gallbladder Stone surgery

After a gallbladder operation, you can expect to:

Complications after Gallbladder Stone surgery

All Gallbladder Stone surgery carries some degree of risk. Possible complications of cholecystectomy include:

Self care after Gallbladder Stone surgery

Be guided by your doctor, but general self-care suggestions include:

Most people recover within one week of laparoscopic Gallbladder Stone surgery.

Long-term outlook after gall bladder surgery

You will need to see your doctor between seven and 10 days after Gallbladder Stone surgery to make sure all is well. Some rare complications may have to be followed up with another operation.

Where to get help

Things to remember

  • Gallstones are small stones made from cholesterol, bile pigment and calcium salts, which form in a person’s gall bladder.
  • Medical treatment isn’t necessary unless the gallstones cause symptoms.
  • Treatment options include Gallbladder Stone surgery and shattering the stones with soundwaves.